Friday, May 21, 2010

Supporting environmentally-friendly transit AND seeing a great concert for free.

This great organization soooo needed to exist in Los Angeles.

The Tour Rider initiative addresses the chronic problem of traffic congestion and the subsequent environmental pollution that results from gridlock traffic at large venues for concerts, festivals, and other events

A Tour Rider is someone who carpools, uses Park & Ride programs, or takes public transportation to a Tour Rider sponsored event. Tour Riders receive an array of perks that may include access to VIP ticket lines, private music showcases in shuttle parking lots, and/or a Tour Rider gift bag with exclusive band merchandise, music, accessories, t-shirts, magazines, video games, tickets to local museums and venues, and other popular items.

Volunteer for the following concerts at the Hollywood Bowl and get the chance to watch the show from near the box seats:

FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS: Sunday, May 30, 3:30-8:00 pm.
STING: Tuesday, June 15, 3:30 -8:00 pm

Click here to read the Craigslist post.