Friday, May 21, 2010

Addicting TV Shows.

I seriously can't wait to watch the series finale.

"LOST is more than just a show; it’s an experience, and to get the most out of it, it requires repeated viewing and some extra reading, whether it be Lostpedia, Doc Jensen’s wild theories or one of the books Sawyer was seen reading on the beach.

Most television shows are as simple as the viewer tuning in when the show starts, watching the episode until the credits roll, and then immediately moving on to something else. That is no way to watch LOST. Think of the show as an onion: its exterior consists of all the mysteries of the show, like the hatches and the numbers and Jacob’s cabin and Jacob’s list and Jacob himself and the smoke monster and the frozen donkey wheel and the time flashes that make the island skip like a broken record and the four-toed statue and the seemingly ageless Richard Alpert and room 23 and so on.

It’s easy to be distracted by all of those things, many of which are firmly rooted in science fiction, but peel that onion and you’ll find some of the most basic human struggles like good vs. evil, free will vs. destiny, faith vs. science, life and death, survival, rivalries, redemption, and how all the best cowboys have daddy issues. These are things we can all relate to, and once that onion is peeled, you’re probably going to find yourself crying. LOST is more than just a show, it’s the greatest television experience the world will ever see."

(via FYL)